my body is a love letter
that I have been writing to you
for lifetimes, streaming
through my veins, wanting to know
how long you have waited
listening for my two quiet feet
whose fleeting prints
disappear into sand, into waves
and what is time
if not the indelible trace
of ourselves transmuting into breath,
an endless surrender
giving into our beloved
whose eternal exhale
from the deepest place
becomes the trailing wind
through the sea and sky
wending all the way back
to our formlessness
to find me
listening for my heart
begging again and again,
for you to take me
I must be taken
to be inside your mind,
and lie in a bed of your wisdom
feel my infinite pieces
slipping into place
to be inside your body
so when we make love
I can feel myself
splitting wide open for you,
walls tumbling as I resurrect
outstretched and made of light
spreading like an offering
illuminating the vast spaces
where we will always meet.
